Types of contributions to be submitted
Several types of contributions are possible:
- Long research articles (Max 12 pages) that present the results of completed work,
- posters describing innovative pedagogical projects or the first results of work in progress,,
- practical workshops on innovative pedagogical approaches and/or tools.
- Any other innovative contribution format (discussion circle, educational film, theatrical sequence, comic strip, etc.)
Contributions submitted in English, French or Arabic must respect the IEEE standard template for papers and the JIP2022 templates for workshops and posters which can be downloaded from the section Paper/Workshop/Poster Formats below.
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: Before the submission of the paper or you can submit directly your paper!
Deadline for paper submission: 15/05/2022
Date of notification to authors: 15/06/2022
Deadline for final corrections: 30/06/2022
Paper/Workshop/Posters Formats
Authors must provide a complete text of their papers in English or French in IEEE format. Papers must be submitted in Word or Pdf format according to the following template:
- Download the IEEE template for papers
- Download the template for workshops
- Download the template for posters
Submission procedure
- Prepare your contribution in the format (.pdf, .doc, .docx, .pptx) .
- Submit your contribution using the following address: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ciip2022
- The evaluation of your contribution as well as the recommendations will be communicated to you by email
- In case of acceptance, you will resubmit your paper in its final corrected version